At Sundown Ranch we specialize in providing exceptional care to male and female adolescents ages 13 to 17 years of age suffering from chemical dependency. In additional we have extensive experience dealing with clients that also have a co-occurring psychiatric disorder.


Sundown Ranch

A truly unique experience

Sundown Ranch is a treatment facility designed to meet the needs of individuals suffering from chemical dependency and related co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Our primary purpose is to provide quality services to adolescents.

The ranch, 450 acres of rolling hills, lakes and trees, provides a highly structured and individualized program in an environment where young people can learn to live free of drugs and alcohol. In combating their dependency, clients develop a sense of personal identity and strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence.

The open peaceful environment – a contrast to the institutional, hospital-like atmosphere of many rehabilitation facilities – is part of the treatment and therapy.

Sundown Ranch is dedicated to helping young people and their families. Please contact our admissions department with any questions you may have regarding a loved one.